MedaSync creates simple software solutions using data and AI to help Skilled Nursing Facilities streamline MDS management and proactively improve revenue integrity across all-payers.
Insurance complexity is at an all-time high forcing each operator to navigate a multi-payer system unique to their region.
Given the complexity, required expertise and time-consuming nature of reimbursement, the process is too reliant upon people.
Our passionate teams are spread thin from burnout and turnover with the vast majority forced to wear many hats.
What We Do
Continuously working for you in the background, MedaSync’s Artificial Intelligence goes beyond “keywords” or post-MDS scrubbing logic to give your reimbursement teams precious time back while optimizing your community’s reimbursement potential.

Discharge Function Score – A Simple Guide
The Discharge Function Score will be used to assess the functional status of patients at discharge. It is a comparison
Harnessing AI to Enhance Reimbursement Efficiency
The skilled nursing industry is inherently complex and data-intensive, where accuracy and efficiency are paramount. One area that requires exceptional
Don’t Slip Up When Coding SLPs – Use These Tips Instead
The Patient-Driven Payment Model (PDPM) presents challenges and opportunities, particularly in coding for the Speech Language Pathology (SLP) component. Since